Our ambassadors are precious to us
We reveal the interview with Claire Mondray. Claire is a passionate entrepreneur, who has several strings to her bow: content creator ( @clairemondray ), she also created her own podcast, called Slow Her Stories , and is also a yoga Nidra teacher. She is driven by her many professional activities, but it does not stop there, she particularly likes timeless jewelry, which lasts over time, reading and all questions surrounding well-being.
First of all, could you introduce yourself in a few words?
“I live in Toulouse, it’s my adopted city. I am originally from Perpignan, so I grew up near the sea and the mountains, I am very attached to the South and to having a pace of life close to nature. I'm a content creator and at the same time, I have a podcast called SlowHer Stories, where I interview women who are entrepreneurs and inspiring. And where we address together questions around well-being, their relationship to entrepreneurship but also their feelings about their professional and personal life balance. I am also a teacher of Lin Yoga and Yoga Nidra, which are gentle and meditative yogas, with therapeutic aims. Yoga is for me a way to manage my stress, my anxiety, it is part of my daily life and I like the fact of passing on this practice to others. »
What do you like most about your professional activity?
“The diversity of projects. But at the same time, the fact that they are all linked, that they form a virtuous circle. And the fact of being in perpetual discovery, both through the women I interview, through the accounts I follow, and also through everything I read to be able to nourish myself and transmit in return. What motivates me the most is to discover, learn and pass on. »
What jewelry do you wear every day and what does it mean to you? And by extension, to wear jewelry made from recycled 18-carat gold?
"It's everything that made me fall in love with your brand. It was the responsible side and the values that Hermine carries. I'm one of those people who doesn't wear costume because my jewelry is a little my amulets and I like to never take them off And for me, they are precious objects which necessarily mean noble materials and which are durable over time. all four mornings. And I am able to be late because I forgot them before leaving for work for example, I feel stronger and almost a little protected too. that no one has given me one because it's really my reflex when I have a big event, it's to mark the occasion by giving myself a beautiful piece of jewelry. That way, I wear it every day. and I know it represents that moment. There is also a side of memory and celebration. I hope to pass them on one day too. So I would say that at the same time, they give me strength and this feeling of being stronger and protected, and also to celebrate, to take with me all my little victories. So, it’s very important to me that they are durable and valuable.”
How would you define the Twelve woman?
"The Douze woman, I see her as both strong and fragile, in fact, with this duality. I see her fully assumed in her personality, in her style, whether it is a mixture of feminine-masculine, but in any case , a woman who embraces herself and...who embraces all the facets of her, the most beautiful as well as the darkest. And she's a free woman too!
What are the perfect occasions for you to treat yourself to jewelry?
"Two years ago, for example, I gave myself a ring precisely to celebrate a professional contract. I also gave myself one when I graduated. For the birth of my daughter. This kind of big event which, for me, has a representation. And then, it marks the sentimental side when you see your jewel. You remember these beautiful moments."
What are your favorite pieces? Creations that help you feel good, strong and powerful...
"Rings are really my favorite jewelry and especially in accumulation. It's something that I love and I find it magnificent to have several of them! There is something that you feel in your hands. I love them feel them move, touch them, fiddle with them all day long. On the other hand, necklaces are also important to me. My Alba brown diamond necklace , for example, is something I never take off.